Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for SEOs: What Google doesn’t tell you, by Diogo A. da Silva

This event happened on Sep 28th, 2022.

In this edition of LisbonSEOMeetup we had the pleasure of learning with our own Diogo about the new and shiny Google Analytics 4 (GA4), from an SEO perspective. Diogo talked about some pitfalls that the SEO community should avoid in the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and how to best understand this new tool

The meetup was hosted by Selina Secret Garden & Cowork 

Below you can watch a video-recording of Diogo’s presentation about “Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for SEOs: What Google doesn’t tell you” and slides from Diogo’s talk:

Video recording: Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for SEOs

Here is a video recording of the live transmission of the meetup:

Slides: Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for SEOs

Here are the slides about the talk

Additional resources

Here are some additional resources shared by Diogo during the presentation that you may find useful:

Pictures about the meetup

Here are some pictures from this meetup

About Diogo

With a degree in marketing management and over 10 years in Digital Marketing, Diogo is a technical marketer for sustainable and impactful companies like Greenpeace and UNICEF.
He specializes in four digital marketing areas: SEO, SEA, CRO and Web Analytics and is a digital marketing professor in several schools.
He’s also an environmental volunteer at ZERO and the UN Environmental program and a podcast lover with several projects in the area like the current podcast: Marketing por Idiotas.